
Top Restaurant Cuisines - January '09

Here are the most popular restaurant cuisines searched for on Google in January 2009:

  1. Indian Restaurant

  2. Chinese Restaurant

  3. Italian Restaurants

  4. French Restaurant

  5. Japanese Restaurant

  6. Fish & Seafood Restaurant

  7. Thai Restaurant

  8. Greek Restaurant

  9. Vegetarian Restaurant

  10. Pizza Restaurant

  11. Mexican Restaurant

You can find and reserve a table at all these kinds of restaurants and more at Restaurant Vouchers Live

Latest Restaurant News Stories:

  • Savoy to turn leftover food into electricity

The Savoy has claimed it will be the “most environmentally responsible hotel in London” when it re-opens later this year.

  • Fishworks founder Tonks to open second restaurant

FishWorks founder Mitch Tonks is launching a second restaurant in the West Country next month and has plans to further expand his business, Caterersearch can reveal.